
Shichimi tōgarashi or short shichimi (Japanese七味 唐辛 子, literally " seven- spice chili pepper " ), is a common Japanese spice blend of 7 ingredients. Outside Japan it is known as Nanami TOGARASHI. Shichimi should be distinguished from Ichimi TOGARASHI what is referred to simply ground chili pepper.

The main ingredient are coarsely ground red chili peppers, usually following ingredients are used:

  • Tangerine peel
  • Sesame seeds
  • Poppy seed
  • Cannabis Seeds
  • Nori or Aonori
  • Ground sansho ( a relative of the Szechuanpfeffers )

Some recipes replace or complement the ingredients with yuzu peel, rape seeds, ginger or shiso.

Originally, the mixture of herbs merchants in Edo was produced and is therefore sometimes after the place of origin as Yagenbori (薬 研 堀) refers. Today, some shops are known for temples such as the Zenkoji in Nagano and the Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto for it in Japan.

It is often used as a soup seasoning, such as in the miso soup with pork, but also pasta and gyudon. Some rice products such as rice cakes, roasted Senbei Agemochi and use it as a spice.

  • Seasoning ingredient
  • Japanese Cuisine