Shin'etsu region

The Japanese region Shin'etsu (Japanese信 越 地方, Chiho ) comprises the present-day north-western prefectures of Nagano and Niigata and is a further breakdown of the Chūbu region. Historically, the term referred to the provinces of Shinano (信 浓) and Echigo (越 后), from whose name the Kanji Shin'etsu composed.

Together with Hokuriku ( Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui ) it is often summarized as Hokuriku Region - Shin'etsu or shortly region Hokushin'etsu. With Gunma prefecture as it is Jōshin'etsu (上 信 越 地方, Chiho, after the former province Kozuke or Joshu ) and Yamanashi prefecture as Kōshin'etsu (甲 信 越 地方, Chiho, after the former province of Kai or Kōshū ) refers.

Niigata Prefecture in Chūbu

Northern Japan: Hokkaido (East, North, Central, South, " Northern Territories" ( South Kuril Islands ) ) | Tohoku (North and South)

East Japan (in the narrow sense): Kanto (north, south, Tokyo, Kanto Kōshin'etsu ) | Chūbu ( Kōshin'etsu, Kanto Kōshin'etsu, Shin'etsu, Kanto - Koshin )

Central Japan: Chūbu ( Hokuriku, Tōkai, central highlands, San'ennanshin, Nōbi )

West Japan (in the narrow sense): Kinki (North, Keihanshin, Nanki ) | Chūgoku ( San'in, San'yo, Setouchi, Chugoku - Shikoku ) | Shikoku ( Setouchi, North, South, Chugoku - Shikoku )

Southern Japan: Kyushu ( North, South, Central, West, East ) | southwestern islands ( Satsunan Islands, Okinawa, Sakishima, Daitō )

  • Region in Asia
  • Region in Japan
  • Chūbu