Shin Jae-chul

Jae Chul Shin ( born December 20, 1936 in Korea, † July 9, 2012 in USA) was Grand Master in Tang Soo Do, he was the founder and president of the World Tang Soo Do Association and one of the leading figures of martial arts in today's time.



He was born on 20 December 1936 in Korea and began his long and distinguished career in the martial arts at the age of twelve years. An unidentified monk inspired him during his childhood; then he wanted to learn the martial arts. Later he entered the ' Seoul Moo Duk a Kwan' Central High School and began serious study under Master Hwang Kee, the founder of the Korean Moo Duk Kwan system.


As a first Dan, he began his coaching career soon then as an assistant at Central High School. He then taught at the Korean University, Seoul Central Youth Organization, at several schools, at different police and military institutions, and many other places.

When in 1985 he was drafted into the Korean Air Force, he gained his first training experience with American soldiers. In 1968 he came after he had received his degree in political science, to continue his training in the United States with foreign students back.


In the same year he founded his first school in Burlington the United States Tang Soo Do Federation. From there, the organization expanded in all U.S. states and foreign countries. Because the members of other States the New World Tang Doo Do Association was launched with twelve member states. On November 13, 1982 started off with the inaugural meeting of this association Jae Chul Shin Grand Master.

He died on 9 July 2012 due to health problems in his family.


He took great pains to disciplined training and precise techniques. Next he always emphasized that the true value of martial arts training is the application in daily life. He devoted special interest is also the offspring. His advice to his black belts and coaches also applies to teachers of other technical subjects. The behavior of the pupils, the teacher reflects its impact.
