Ship grounding

Intentional or unintentional - - ​​emergence of a large body or object referred to on the beach or a shoal as stranding is. This can be a vessel or even an animal, such as in the Walstrandung, or other items.

In shipping, one intentionally or negligently induced stranding is ( "Set to Default") in a busy waters criminal offense ( § 315 StGB), unless, by this stranding of the ship and its crew and cargo saved from destruction ( justification ). Dealing with stranded vessels and objects depends on the beach right. In marine insurance for shipping a stranding is only recognized to be present if the ship is not coming under ordinary circumstances on the ground and either will not refloat or only by extraordinary measures can be refloated (such as throwing or unload the cargo ).

In the Third World countries ships are usually intentionally beached for scrapping with full force on a designated place, then disassembled there.

  • Maritime

Pictures of Ship grounding
