
In Ayurvedic forehead oil, also the forehead, head cast or Sanskrit Shirodhara ( shiro = head, dhara = river ), called flows in a continuous beam of about 8 to 10 cm in height, heated, mixed with herbs oil ( Thaila [ Tila, German sesame seeds ], mostly produced in sesame oil base ) on the head and here especially on the forehead of the patient. According to Ayurvedic view, this calms the entire autonomic nervous system, harmonizes and balances. The calming effect has been reproduced in a small study; in international scientific journals else is there but does not work on a possible effect of the oil on the forehead casting.

Applies the oil on the forehead, usually in conjunction with a facial and head massage, especially in neurovegetative disorders and consequences of stress. Especially recommended for Thaila forehead hot oil treatments Kshirabala Thaila ( according to a 2000 year old recipe ) and Bhringamalakkadi Thaila (after a 400 year old recipe ). A forehead oil is preferably used in traditional Indian medicine for chronic headaches, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, insomnia and depression, whereas must be dispensed with low blood pressure, poor circulation and during menstruation it. Because this application is hypotensive, should be carried out in each case immediately before a vigorous circulation promoting traditional Ayurvedic full body massage ( Abhyanga ).
