
Shito is a very hot pepper sauce, which is used on a variety of dishes in the kitchen of Ghana. The consistency of Shito here is similar to the well-known in Europe pesto.

There are fresh and ready-prepared Shito. The individual recipes vary according to part of the country, however, consist essentially of hot peppers, oil and tomatoes.

Fresh Shito

In Shito fresh peppers with onions, salt and tomatoes are mixed, partially fried in oil and served with a court. This form is used in cases where a quick sauce to. This sauce is less oily than the black and Shito in color by the tomatoes rather reddish. Fresh Shito can not keep long.

Black Shito

As a black Shito also referred to the ready-prepared Shito. In addition to a certain amount of dried red peppers in this sauce has a percentage of dried and ground shrimp, dried and ground fish, onions and tomatoes. Everything is seasoned with plenty of oil, cooked and bottled in jars. In Ghana, you can buy ready on the market Shito black also. This oily pepper paste often has a dark almost black color.

Black Shito can also be stored without refrigeration very well unless the jar is opened. After that Shito holds under refrigeration few weeks.
