Shutter priority

As shutter priority or time delay automatic exposure in cameras is referred to, in which the exposure time of the shutter is manually selected: The camera sets the value of the exposure metering as suitable specific aperture value automatically. Cameras have a shutter priority or time delay are also referred to as the aperture machines. On the mode dial of most cameras, this mode is S ( engl. shutter priority) or Tv ( time value engl. ) marked.

The shutter speed is a photographic design element. With their important properties of the image such as the motion blur can be influenced. The automatic iris is used when the photographer is aware of the shortest possible exposure time strives for example, in sports photography in order to "freeze" rapid movements of the athlete in the picture may or nature photography, where by the longest possible exposure time blurring the contours of running water is desired.

Most modern SLR cameras have a shutter priority; with compact cameras usually have higher quality models in this relatively selective control possibility of exposure.
