Siamese algae eater

Siamese snout barbel ( Crossocheilus siamensis )

The Siamese trunk bar, green bar fins or simply siamensis ( siamensis Crossocheilus, sp.inquir. ) Is a freshwater ornamental fish of the family Cyprinidae ( Cypriniformes ). She is very well known and popular in the aquarium hobby.

It originates from Southeast Asia. Siamese snout barbel be due to the similar appearance often with the Schönflossigen snout barbel ( Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus ), the " wrong " trunk Barbe - confused ( Garra taeniata black longitudinal stripes only up to the beginning of the caudal fin ) or the Algensalmler ( periodontal pongoensis ). The special feature of this type is the black longitudinal stripe running continuously from snout to tail tip, and the transparent fins. It also has a couple of barbels at the jaw tip, but no maxillary barbels. In addition, ( Crossocheilus siamensis ) are offered several types commercially available under the name Siamese algae eater. Among Crossocheilus langei, Crossocheilus atrilimes, Crossocheilus citripinnis or Crossocheilus oblongus.


Siamese snout barbels are group animals, so should in an aquarium always several copies are maintained and due to the expected size is an aquarium of at least 150 cm side length highly recommended. The temperature should be between 24 ° and 26 ° C. The animals prefer soft water ( 5 ° GCH ), but also come with something harder water pretty well clear (up to 20 ° GCH ). The water should be slightly acidic. Siamese snout barbels are quite in need of oxygen.

Siamese snout barbels are in captivity 10 to 16 inches long ( sale size about 2.5 cm), their life expectancy is about 9 years, but they can also be older. The families of the snout barbel can not be distinguished with the naked eye. The attitude in the aquarium is not a problem even for beginners. However, it should due to the size and the fact that the animals feel comfortable only in groups of at least 5-8 fish, the animals are kept only in large tanks.

They behave very tolerant towards other fish and can be easily socialized with other barbs, tetras and catfish. However, compared to their own kind, they can sometimes be very rude and chase each other through the whole basin. Since the fish are good jumpers, a cover of the basin is recommended.

Feeding behavior

They are omnivorous, but mostly they eat algae at a young age (preferably brush algae and fädrige green algae, but no brown or diatom ). Often they also nibble on the fast-growing Elodea or other fresh shoots, if not enough algae are present. Beck plantings take by snout barbel but no damage. Alternatively, eat snout barbel love lettuce leaves ( but these should be rinsed well due to possible use of pesticides ). When these begin to rot in the water, they are especially welcome. With age, they take next to this diet also like to live or dry food. In the aquarium they usually spend their time in the middle to lower areas. The Beck planting should there be abundant: particularly young proboscis barbs hiding temporarily happy or graze algae and surfaces in dense planting from.


Under stress, but also in dominance behavior and related dispute with other dogs her black longitudinal stripe colors from the gills to the tail matte silver. This is a sign that they feel uncomfortable in the aquarium. It is also striking her resting on plants or roots, where they are supported with their abdominal and caudal fins. They like to swim around in groups, they often swim against the pump beam from the filter. This behavior comes from the lineage of the snout barbel from fast-flowing waters.


At most, random breeds are known so far. It is believed that the breeding streams of clear, fluid -rich water are needed which are very difficult to simulate in the aquarium hobby. Therefore, the breed is not classified as simple.
