Siberian roe deer

Siberian deer

The Siberian roe deer ( Capreolus pygargus ) is a mammal of the deer family ( Cervidae ). It is closely related to the ( European ) deer and was formerly classified in the same way.


Siberian deer are similar to the European roe deer, but are distinguished by a stronger antlers, smaller ears and a paler coat color of these. With a body length of up to 150 centimeters, a shoulder height of up to 100 centimeters and a weight of up to 50 kilograms, they are also significantly greater than their European cousins ​​.

Distribution and habitat

The distribution area of the Siberian roe deer extends from the southern Urals and the regions north of the Caucasus via Kazakhstan, southern Siberia, the northern and central China and Mongolia and Korea. They inhabit both forests and grasslands, but are dependent on sufficient vegetation as a visual screen.


Siberian and European roe deer can interbreed, but often bring dead or sterile offspring into the world. European roebuck also frequently die at birth about large mixed breed pups. In the wild, the distribution areas of both species but only overlap in a small area on the lower Don.

There are two clearly distinguishable from each other subspecies of the Siberian roe deer, which differ both morphologically and genetically. Capreolus pygarus pygarus occurs in the western and northern parts of the range, while Capreolus pygarus tianschanicus ( the so-called Chinese deer ) is common in the southern and eastern parts. In some regions, such as between the Altai Mountains there are transitional forms.

Way of life

The life of the Siberian roe deer is not well known but is expected to coincide with that of their European relatives in many aspects. These animals are mainly active at dawn and live solitary or in small groups. In the mating season the males establish a breeding territory, which they mark with urine and glandular secretions and towards same-sex conspecifics defend. These areas can be up to 170 acres in size. The diet consists of plant material such as grasses and herbs.


By hunting stocks were severely depleted, due to the large distribution area Siberian deer are not yet threatened. The total population amounts according to an estimate from the 1995 to one million animals.
