Simulation sickness

The term simulator sickness or English Simulator Sickness (English / Latin as " nausea by (pre ) deception " ) refers to a feeling of nausea that comes through deception or irritation of the sensory organs about.

Flight simulator / driving simulator

As a side effect often occurs in a flight simulator sickness because the pilot visually perceived movements that do not correspond to the experienced kinesthetic movements. Even sophisticated hydraulic motion simulators can not always fool the brain. Similar effects are observed in the tilting train. A prominent "victim" of simulator sickness is the seven -time Formula 1 world champion Michael Schumacher, who could use the simulator from Mercedes GP only in exceptional cases, for this reason, to prepare for the race.

Rotary drum simulator

In stationary simulators the nausea feeling comes from the fact that the eye of the simulation user movement is simulated, which contradicts the information of the vestibular system in the inner ear.

At the Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania Kenneth L. Koch operates a rotary drum simulator. It consists of a huge drum that revolves around a chair in the middle. On the inside of the drum vertical black and white bars are alternately arranged. Involuntarily fixed the subject, the bar, and after a short time it seems to him as if to turn the drum not, but he himself In this experimental arrangement is artificially produced nausea and explores methods and medications for seasickness.

Head - Mounted Display

Another possible reason for such sickness is the use of head-mounted displays, which mimic the user, by means of projection onto the retina or a fixed very close to the eye screen, a virtual extended or fully simulated reality. A head tracker is used here, which causes the displayed image is changed in real time to a head movement, there may be an occurrence of the symptoms, if the projection is adapted to late or asynchronously. Again, the brain registers as in the flight simulator the difference between the performed movement and the visually perceived changes in the "reality ". Also fuzzy representations can trigger side effects.
