
Sin - sar iškun (also Sin -shahr - ischkun, Sin - sar - iskun, Sin - scharru - ischkun, Sin - sarru - iskun, Sin - sarris - ken) reigned as King of Assyria penultimate of 627 BC to 612 BC He was the son of Ashurbanipal, the successor of King Sin - Sumu - lišir.

In the Babylonian Chronicle of Uruk Sin - sar iškun is listed as " king of Babylon ". His government there time was with that of his predecessor Sin - Sumu - lišir only one year in total. Him there broke out during a rebellion Nabopolassar, the BC sales Sin - sar iškun after several battles finally in the year 626 from Babylonia.

612 BC died Sin - sar iškun during a joint attack by the Babylonians and Medes in his capital Nineveh. The succession in the not yet conquered Assyrian areas in the west to Harran took Ashur uballit II
