Sipe Sipe

Sipe Sipe is a country town in the Cochabamba Department in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Sipe Sipe is a central location in the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Sipe Sipe in the province Quillacollo. The city is located at the western end of the plain of Cochabamba at an altitude of 2589 m at the mouth of the Río Viloma inflows and Río Khayarani in the Río Rocha, the main source river of the Bolivian Río Grande.


Sipe Sipe is between the Bolivian Cordillera Central and the Cordillera Oriental in the transition region to the Bolivian lowlands.

The mean average temperature of the region is about 18 ° C (see climate chart Cochabamba ) and varies only slightly between 14 ° C in June and July and 20 ° C in November. The annual precipitation is about 450 mm, with a pronounced dry season from May to September, with monthly rainfall less than 10 mm, and a maximum rain in January with 120 mm monthly rainfall.


The village was the scene of one of the most important battles in the South American wars of independence against Spain. In the battle of Sipe Sipe on 29 November 1815, the troops of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata were defeated by Spanish royalists, so that the region " Alto Peru ", now Bolivia, back fell under Spanish rule in Argentina.

Traffic network

Sipe Sipe is 25 kilometers from Cochabamba, the capital of the department. From Cochabamba from the paved highway Ruta 4 leads to the west of the city according to Sipe Sipe Quillacollo and from here on to Caracollo, where she encounters the Ruta 1. The Ruta 1 crosses the Altiplano from north to south and so establishes connections to the cities of La Paz, Oruro and Potosí.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades to more than five times:

Due to the historically evolved population distribution, the region has a high proportion of Quechua population in the municipality of Sipe Sipe 83.9 percent of the population speak the Quechua language.
