
Sit-up ( Eng.: Sit-ups, trunk lift or erector ) is an exercise in which one straightens the torso from a lying position.

The exercise is designed to exercise the abdominal muscles, but is now regarded as unfavorable, as the psoas major is thereby addressed more than the target muscle and this muscle is already very reduced in most people.

A better alternative crunches are recommended because they are essential to carry out gentle and non-hazardous. Trauma of the spine are avoided.

With muscle building exercises like sit-ups can work off any excess weight, which is why abdominal training alone does not cause a flat stomach. It is necessary when needed especially aerobic exercise for weight reduction.


The athlete lies on his back, his hands are placed either crossed on the chest or clasped behind his head and legs are angled such that approximately a 90 ° angle is formed at the knees. Then the upper body is raised only to the seat touches the ground and reach the elbow nearly thigh. For this movement, it is often necessary to fix the feet, for example, by a training partner. Can be made ​​more difficult this exercise, for example by running on an incline bench or with the legs on an elevated position and through the use of weight plates that can be mitangehoben on the chest or behind the head.

Pictures of Sit-up
