Skagit Valley Provincial Park

IUCN Category II - National Park


The Skagit Valley Provincial Park is a protected area ( Provincial Park ) in southwestern British Columbia, Canada.


The Skagit Valley Provincial Park is situated just north of the border to Washington State and together with the North Cascades National Park, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, Lake Chelan National Recreation Area, the Manning Provincial Park, the Cascade Provincial Recreation Area and Chilliwack Lake Provincial Park is a closed reserve in the north of the cascade Range.

The area of the park encompasses 27,948 acres around the north end of Ross Lake and the valley of the Skagit River, which received its characteristic U- shape by retreating glaciers.

The park can be reached via the Silver / Skagit Road, which opens 3 km west of Hope on the Trans-Canada Highway 1. From there, the dirt road leading up to the first 37 km of the park entrance and another 23 km to Ross Lake, where they - already on the territory of the United States - ends on Hozomeen Campground in the Ross Lake National Recreation Area.

The Ross Lake, whose average water table is at 488 m, is the lowest point in the park, with the Silvertip Mountain (2591 m ) is reached the highest point on the park grounds.


In the park is a protected area category II ( Nature Park ).

The importance of the conservation area derives from its location in the transition zone between the coastal and the inland zone. On Ross Lake there are significant populations of herons and kingfishers Canada, in addition there are some 200 other species of birds.
