Slavko Milosavlevski

Slavko Milosavlevski ( in Cyrillic: Славко Милосавлевски; born January 28, 1928 in Vratnica in Tetovo, Yugoslavia, † October 14, 2012 ) was a Yugoslav and Macedonian political theorist, politician and diplomat.


Slavko Milosavlevski was a professor of political science at the University of Skopje. He was considered one of the leading liberal theorists of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia until 1972 he was excluded because of its liberal settings from the party.

In 1990, he was instrumental in the founding of the Socijaldemokratska Partija na Makedonija ( Social Democratic Party of Macedonia ) involved, which was the first independent party in Macedonia and had an anti- nationalist orientation, but achieved no significant electoral success. He was also the first chairman of the party, and was succeeded by Tihomir Jovanovski.

In the years 1996-2003 was Milosavlevski Macedonian Ambassador to Serbia and Montenegro.

Slavko Milosavlevski died on October 14, 2012 in his home village, he was buried on the following day.


  • Uvod vo sociologijata. In 1967.
  • Revolucija i demokratija. Ogled od Politická sociologija. (Revolution and democracy. From the perspective of political sociology ), 1968.
  • Beleški za sovremenoto opštestvo. In 1969.
  • Teorijski osnovi politíčke organizacije i prakse socijalizma. ( Theoretical attempts at political organization and practice of socialism ), 1970.
  • Revolucija i anti revolucija. (Revolution and Anti- Revolution), 1972.
  • Josipa Broza Kontradikcije. ( The contradictions of Josip Broz ), 1990, ISBN 86-7501-036-2.
  • Strav od promeni. Krizata na političkiot sistem na vo Jugoslavija sedumdesettite godini. In 1991.
  • Jugoslovenskite socijalisti - komunisti i makedonskoto prašanje, 1918-1945. ( The Yugoslav Socialist - Communists and the Macedonian Question 1918-1945 ), 1992.
  • Sociologija na makedonskata Nacionalna svest. 2 vols, 1992 and 1997 ( ISBN 86-317-0069- X and ISBN 9989-9700-4-1 )
  • Dvete lica na sobitijata. Autobiography, 1996, ISBN 9989-42-021-1.
  • ( with Mirče Tomovski ): Albanians in the Republic of Macedonia, 1945-1995. Legislative, Political Documentation, Statistics. 1997, ISBN 9989-45-088-9 - Macedonian Edition: Republika Makedonija vo Albancite. 1997, ISBN 9989-45-098-6.