Sleeping while on duty

A woman rest room ( also sun room ) is a relaxation room, which is provided by the employer, the workers where to relax. While according to federal German workplace regulations by May 1977 § 31, the number and design of the rooms is still strictly prescribed, 6, paragraph 3 is spoken by 2004 only of the possibility of workplace regulations § to lie down to rest in appropriate conditions. The time spent in these rooms time is part of the recovery time without loss of earnings.

Federal German workplace regulations 1977

According to § 31 ArbStättV (also ASR 31 - sun rooms) are relaxation rooms to rest

Woman relaxing room in the GDR

In the women's and family policy in the GDR one targeted at women reconcile work and family life was a particular focus, and for the women in the GDR 's own professional activity was the norm. The woman resting space was required by law.

Federal German workplace regulations 2004

This ArbStättV looks for women only for the possibility to lie down and rest under suitable conditions. This can be found in the Maternity Protection Act ( Maternity Protection ) important prohibitions. These are prohibitions for the employer to have to work certain workers. Time is but the employee fully paid ( employer gets from health insurance ). Through these prohibitions, the women in question are no longer at work.

Recovery variants in Ruhe-/Liegeraum

( Women's ) Ruhe-/Liegeräume can not only help expectant mothers if feeling unwell. During the breaks Ruhe-/Liegeräume can also be used by other employees to increase concentration, performance and responsiveness. Short Tagschlaf and massages ( reduction of stress and tension ) help schlafpolyphasisch inclined people, as, for example, Leonardo da Vinci was one to overcome a low in the biological performance curve.


In the army there in connection with projects on child care objects with woman resting rooms.
