Sliding Center Sanki

43.67207540.296102777778Koordinaten: 43 ° 40 ' 19 " N, 40 ° 17' 46" E

The Sliding Center Sanki (Russian Центр санного спорта " Санки " санки / sanki = Russian sled ) is an artificial ice rink in Krasnaya Polyana, 60 km north-east of Sochi. The train was in 2014 the venue for the competitions in the sport of luge, bobsled and skeleton at the Olympic Winter Games.


The rink is located in the western Caucasus at a height of about 840 meters. The track is located north of Krasnaya Polyana on the slope of the mountain Aibga. The Grandstand and the viewing areas at the track are designed for 5000 people.

Path data

The track has a total length of 1,814 m, making it the longest in the world. It has 18 curve, whereby drive through a competition within a maximum of 17, as the curve 18 is arranged according to the destination. The length from start to finish, depending on the discipline differently ( 1,384 m to 1,500 m). The starting height varies depending on the discipline ( 839.2 to 829.6 meters above sea level) - the target height is at 711.5 meters above sea level. In order to limit the top speed, 3 sections are provided with an increase. The deepest part of the path in front of the goal in the curve 17 at an altitude of 704.1 m above sea level. NN.

Track Records

The start of the luge team competition shall be made by the women's and doubles start. The Mileage length but longer than the normal length of 1,384 meters, as the imitation board about 100 yards behind the target normal. The exact length of the start to set-off board is unknown, hence no average speed can be calculated.


In Sliding Center Sanki total of nine competitions of the Olympic Games are held.

  • See also: Winter Olympic Games 2014/Skeleton
  • See also: Winter Olympic Games 2014/Rennrodeln
  • See also: Winter Olympic Games 2014/Bob