Smart Client

The term Smart Client is designed as a short form and a trade name for products in several computer science in degree of abstraction and expression of different meanings.


In a Smart Client Architecture ( also: smart client model or Smart Client approach) are compared to the generalized client -server architecture defines certain aspects of the distribution in more detail. She promises high ease of use and uncomplicated software update, a combination of the advantages of one hand desktop and Web applications, on the other hand. Although the concept of Smart Client is not standardized or standardized, but can be found in the cited literature, the practical cases described there, and at the listed products recurring combined features with which the Smart Client can be distinguished from the other client types.

Ease of use

The client in a smart client architecture (also: smart client application or shortly Smart Client ) provides a high comfort of use. In contrast to the thin client and rich client user the plausibility and validation of its inputs, a fault-free information processing without waiting time during his input, the free conversion between different areas within the application and integration with its Office programs expected as a fat client.

Distributed components

In contrast to both the traditional client -server architecture as well as the established Rich Internet Application takes place in a smart client architecture on the client and server use the same programming base, consisting of the components, interfaces and data objects. The business logic can depending on the requirements of the server or the client to run. The shift takes place only through operational measures and without interfering with the programming. Both parts should be able to be created in just a development environment and with related know- how in the ideal case.

In practice, one used for the communication between client and server as well as for integration with other key software as standard methods from the web browser / web server environment. This applies in particular to the transport and security protocols. A regular - possibly mobile - Internet connection should generally for the operation of a smart client architecture may be sufficient.


The Smart Client waives its own local memory for variable data and thus the otherwise necessary synchronization of data resources between client and server. This property is sometimes circumvented in practice to secure user input during runflat operation without connection to the server temporarily. Also ( almost ) immutable data such as lists of countries remain on the client, thus increasing its reaction rate and reduce the bandwidth usage.

The storage, deployment and backup of all variable data for the clients are the responsibility of the server. A connection from the client to the server is a condition for the regular progress of a business process on the client.

The installation of the client is limited to copying operations; they not integrate into the operating system and allows a simplified automatic software update that gives the user no choice or intervention. The direct drive capability of the client from a removable storage is also guaranteed.

Trade names

First use of the term was made by the product of " smart client " of the company isomorphic Software, a JavaScript -based AJAX framework for web application development.

Around the same time (2001) the Suse Linux AG developed at Debeka insurance a smart client called administration tool. With the Smart Client more than 3000 Linux jobs are managed since at Debeka. The Smart Client Framework is released under the GPL and developed later by the Cologne " dass IT GmbH ".
