Snake in the Eagle's Shadow

  • Jackie Chan as Cheng Lung Chien Fu
  • Siu Tien Yuen: Grandmaster Pai Cheng- Tien
  • Hwang Jang Lee: Len Yun
  • Tino Wong Cheung Wang Chiang
  • Dean Shek: Teacher Li
  • Peter Chan Lung: Teacher Lian
  • Fung Ging -Man: Teacher Chui
  • Roy Horan: Priest
  • Hark -On Fung, Master of the Snake Fist School
  • Chiang Kam Tao Kuei
  • Chiu Chi Ling: Teacher of the Snake Fist School

Snake in the Eagle's Shadow is a 1978 rotated in Hong Kong martial arts film with Jackie Chan in the lead role. Directed by Yuen Woo- Ping.


In the kung fu school of Master Hung Tai works Chien Fu (Jackie Chan) as a house boy. He is friendly and hardworking, but mostly pushed around because of his clumsiness and his lack of kung fu skills.

One day, Chien Fu offers an old beggar on hospitality. This leads to the playful thanks to some dance steps in which he balances a tea cup on the top of his finger. The next morning the old man is gone. As Chien Fu, the pattern of footprints " nachtanzt " on the floor, he realizes that it is kung fu steps. The hand movements to balance the tea cup are from the " snake technique " in which the hands mimic the movements of the snake heads.

The old beggar is actually Pei Ching Yeng, a wanted rebel against the ( despotic ) imperial state power. He hides from his opponent Len Yun. This is a member of the loyal to the Emperor " secret police of the eagle claw ", and ( hence the title: The Serpent in the Eagle's Shadow ) uses the kung-fu style " eagle claw technique ", with which you can defeat the " snake technique ".

Chien Fu begins to acquire in secret the Kung Fu Pei Ching Yeng of the rebels. He is gradually becoming adept and can themselves against teasing playfully resisted. When he called the " snake technique " applies publicly in a fight for the honor of his school, the secret police became aware of him. The " snake technique " is used only by Pei Ching Yeng, and who controls them must be consistent with Pei Ching Yeng, the rebels in contact.

Len Yun takes the boys home on contact. It gives the impression to be friends with Pei Ching Yeng. Although the innocent Chien Fu a crushing defeat had to suffer before in a fight against the " Eagle Technology" Len Yuen, he takes this at face value. He leads the detectives directly to Pei Ching Yengs whereabouts, the backyard of the kung fu school, where the rebel had visited the house lads again. Pei Ching Yeng has since flown the coop. He had Chien Fu prep a textbook on the " snake technique "; this was, however, in the meantime torn by Chien Fu's cat "Tiger".

After Chien Fu has recognized that he has Pei Ching Yeng betrayed unintentionally, he rushes into the forest, but to warn Pei Ching Yeng yet. Len Yun comes after them and reveals that he is a member of the " secret police of the eagle claw " and had been instructed to take Pei Ching Yeng. To the great surprise Pei Ching Yengs the secret policeman is killed, however, by the house boys, with a new kung fu technique that Pei Ching Yeng has never seen. Together rid of the friends then even the hypocrite and traitor Wang Chiang, who had worked as a cook in the kung fu school and now tried, but failed to complete the action Len yuens yet.

When asked Pei Ching Yengs what it was because for a technique responds Chien Fu, this is the novel 's "Tiger paw technology" derived from Chien Fu's house cat "Tiger". After the textbook on the " snake technique " was lost, Chien Fu was entitled to learn by observing the way in which his cat sat against an attacking snake resisted and won.


" Loosened up by self- irony martial arts film around the theme of " Drunken Master "; genreunüblich is largely unnecessary brutality. "


In the running in the background of martial exercises music is Oxygène Part 2 from the album Oxygène by Jean Michel Jarre, theme music is Magic Fly by Space.
