Snowball effect

The snowball effect describes redensartlich create gaining chain reactions, mostly in the social sphere. The term derives from rolling while growing snowball that can take avalanche proportions in the mountains perhaps. For example, a slate look to battle this growing into a mass brawl. Classically, the metaphor describes the spread of a rumor. Also, the chain letter and the fraudulent pyramid scheme make the snowball advantage.


  • In contrast to the domino effect of the snowball effect with increasing intensity is affected. This means that the snowball effect takes time with continued ever greater proportions. In the domino effect, however, is mostly happening the same or similar intensity, the result apart.
  • In contrast to the snowball effect, increase in the small effects of a chain reaction linearly or exponentially itself and thus specify at least a rough course of direction, called the butterfly effect the complete and unpredictable change an entire system by a small change in the initial conditions. Again, self-reinforcing effects play a role, but can be reversed completely by the small change in the direction of travel of the system. In addition, the concept of the butterfly effect is not applied in a social context, but mostly on dynamic physical processes.