Socialist Party (England and Wales)

The Socialist Party ( German " Socialist Party ") is a Marxist and Trotskyist political party in England and Wales. It is the successor to the established in the Labour Party in 1964 Militant tendency. In addition to the weekly newspaper, The Socialist publishes the monthly magazine Socialism Today. She is a member of the Committee for a Workers' International, its German sister organization, the Socialist Alternative (SAV ). The Socialist Party is part of the European Anti -Capitalist Left.

Policy: support of trade unions and working class

The Socialist Party supports the unions in the fight for the preservation of payment, jobs, working conditions and state care.

The Socialist Party calls for a minimum wage of £ 8, and a minimum income of £ 320 for low income earners. It advocates for the rights of workers and unions.

In order to achieve full employment she calls a " 35-hour week without loss of pay ." The Socialist Party intended that workers will receive a reduction in the working week without loss of pay. This should mean that companies are forced instead of working to increase to hire more workers to maintain their production capacity.

The Socialist Party argued that any large company (eg multinational corporations ) who complains of economic difficulties in the introduction of a shorter working time, to disclose their financial books. These are supposed to control then elected by the employees union and check for accuracy. If the staff determines that the company lacks the necessary economic means, then the company should be nationalized under the administration and control of the employees.

The Socialist Party calls for a massive increase in government spending on " health care, housing, education, child care, leisure and community facilities " because these organizations are vital to the population. In addition to the support of the working class, to the extended public assistance also for an increase in employment as a goal. The Socialist Party argued that if the " bosses " to my those improvements not being able to afford " capitalism we also can not afford. " She concludes that it is not capable in such a case of capitalism to provide the basic needs of the population and must be replaced by a planned economy under workers' and democratic management and control.
