Sociedade Independente de Comunicação

The Sociedade Independente de Comunicação (SIC ) to German about "independent communication society ", is a Portuguese commercial television network. SIC, the first and largest private broadcaster in Portugal sends nationwide, five TV programs.

The first channel of SIC went under the same name on October 6, 1992 broadcast, ending the monopoly of the Portuguese state television RTP. SIC is part of the media company Impresa, led by former Prime Minister Francisco Pinto Balsemão, which also include other media, such as the weekly newspaper Expresso.

Nationally, the main channel SIC is terrestrial free for everyone to be received. The other four SIC channels (SIC Notícias, SIC Radical, SIC Mulher and SIC International) to be received only by cable or satellite. The main program of the TV channel is composed of Portuguese and Brazilian telenovelas together, in addition there are three newscasts a day and certain documentation, etc. In addition, numerous American television shows and series such as CSI: Miami, or the like. broadcast with Portuguese subtitles.

From 1995 to 2004, SIC leader in the Portuguese television landscape, but since then the transmitter Televisão Independente ( TVI ) has taken the lead.
