
This product was added to computer science because of the content, defects on the quality assurance side of the editor. This is done to bring the quality of the articles from the computer science subject area to an acceptable level. Help us to eliminate the substantive shortcomings of this article and take part you in the discussion! ( ) Reason: The article is only approximate models of languages ​​and not from the software design in general, which is a much wider field. - K. S. (Talk ) 07:58, May 7, 2012 ( UTC)

Software design (including software design ) is the design process for planning a software solution and part of the overall software development process. Software design is the complexity which have the most computer programs to make a rule necessary for the programmer to handle and to reduce the risk of failures.

In general, clients and contractors elicit during the requirements analysis prior to software design, first the requirements that arise from stakeholder or client 's point of view to the provided software. As part of this created a party - typically the client - the so-called specifications.

Subsequently, the contractor worked together with the client about different approaches, a concept with which program structures, programming techniques and algorithms of these requirements are to be met and programmed. The Contractor shall keep the results of this concept firmly in the so-called specification.

In the following, these procedures are described:

  • Data modeling, Entity -Relationship Model
  • Software Architecture
  • Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • Design Patterns

For the written and graphic Lower Wrote the planned programming, various conventions and modeling languages ​​have been defined.


The costs incurred as part of the software design tasks can perform one or more persons, the possibility to play different roles. These roles are named differently depending on the company. Common names for the roles of involved staff with expertise in software modeling are software architect, IT consultant and software developer (or " programmer" or "Software Engineer" ).

Languages ​​and tools

These different modeling languages ​​are used. Examples include the Unified Modeling Language ( UML) - a graphical modeling language for the specification, design and documentation of software parts and other systems, the Fundamental Modeling Concepts ( FMC) - a semi-formal methodology for the communication of complex software systems, as well as the IDEF - a group of modeling languages ​​from the American authorities environment.

The focus of the design is different. While UML class diagrams, for example, the representation of object-oriented structures (see also Object Oriented Analysis and Design) allows, under certain circumstances, from which code can be generated to FMC focused more on the creation of plans for communication of complex software systems.
