Soil biology

As soil organisms or Edaphon (from Greek edaphos " soil " ) refers to the totality of living organisms in the soil (soil organisms and soil micro-organisms). In contrast, the corresponding adjective " on the floor " means edaphic or " environmental effect of the soil on ". The term was coined in the early 20th century by botanists and microbiologists Raoul Heinrich Francé.


The soil organisms, a distinction is conventional in plant ( soil flora ) and animal (soil fauna). In the floor are home to many one-or wenigzellige eukaryotic microorganisms protists. To them, besides plant and animal species include fungi.

Depending on the habitat is also divided into:

  • Hyperedaphisch - living in herb layer
  • Epedaphisch / epigeal - living in litter layer
  • Hemiedaphisch / hypogeous - living in the humus layer
  • Euedaphisch / endogäisch - Living in the (upper ) floor

Soil flora

The ground flora consists among other things of fungi, algae, bacteria and lichens. Especially bacteria feed mainly on dead organic matter. The ground flora plays an important role within the ecosystem through this humification and mineralization of the organic material. Plant roots do not belong to the ground vegetation.

Based on the concept nanoplankton Francé described the autochthonous microflora as Nanedaphon. This contains different sticks, clubs and cocci, which may change periodically, but are consistently present in all terrestrial climates. It is a " low form" of Edaphons, as these micro-fauna is the least light and air needy and is often found even in meter depths.

Soil fauna

Just as the soil flora and soil fauna play an important role by the comminution and decomposition of dead plant remains and animal carcasses. In particular Bodenkriecher and agitators provide mixing, aeration and loosening the soil.

Subdivision by size:

  • Microfauna (< 0.2 mm): amoebae, ciliates, nematodes
  • Mesofauna (<2 mm): mites, springtails
  • Macrofauna (<20 mm): woodlice, spiders, earthworms, beetles and other insects
  • Megafauna (> 20 mm): vertebrates such as moles, voles and shrews

The micro- flora on the function of mineralization. The mesofauna ensures small-scale bioturbation, scattering fragmentation and bioaccumulation. Macro - and megafauna provide for large-scale bioturbation, litter fragmentation and aggregation. All components of the soil fauna also promote microbial activity.

Subdivision by the typical movement behavior:

  • Faulty ground
  • Bottom float
  • Bodenkriecher
  • Soil burrowers

Composition Edaphon

The following values ​​are only approximations:

  • 40% bacteria, especially actinomycete
  • 40 % algae and fungi
  • 12 % earthworms
  • 5 % Other macrofauna: Polychaetes, Gastropoda, Arachnida ...
  • 3 % other microfauna: nematodes, mites, springtails ...