Solís de Mataojo

Solís de Mataojo on the map of Uruguay

Solís de Mataojo is a city in Uruguay.


It is located in the south of the department of Lavalleja in the 2nd sector near the border with the Nachbardepartamentos Canelones and Maldonado. The distance to the state capital Montevideo is about 80 kilometers. The leading through the village Ruta 8 located here at 82 kilometers west of the city runs the Arroyo Solís Grande.


The city was founded on August 12, 1874 by Lázaro Cabrera. On October 15 in 1963 then by law Nr.13.167 their classification into the category of "Villa ".


The population Solís de Mataojos is 2,825 (as of 2011), of which 1,362 male and 1,463 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay


In marked by livestock and the associated farms area in the course of time various argarindustrielle companies have developed.

City ​​council

Mayor ( alcalde ) of Solís de Mataojo is Jorge Fernández.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Eduardo Fabini (1882-1950), composer and violinist
  • Manuel Espínola Gómez (1921-2003), artist