Some Answered Questions

The book Answered Questions (English: Some Answered Questions) is a collection of 84 doctrinal discussions and originated from the Persian notes, during the interviews the American Bahai Laura Clifford Barney ( 1879-1974 ) with Abdul- Baha between the years 1904 and 1906 in Acre were made. These transcripts were corrected by Abdul -Baha and published with his permission in 1908 in London in English. Also in 1908 a Persian edition was published in London. Mrs. Barney himself worked with her future husband, the scholar Hippolyte Dreyfus - Barney, on the French translation, which appeared under the title " Les Leçons de Saint Jean d' Acre ". Meanwhile, there is the book in many other translations. For example, in German. The German National Library indicates that in 1929 the Answered questions are published in Stuttgart. Through the generosity of the publisher, the Persian original manuscript with the occasional corrections and corrections Abdul- Baha its storage place in the International Baha'i Archives has found in Haifa (see Baha'i World Centre ).


The teacher talks were not originally given in a specific order, but only ordered to facilitate the reader in 5 subjects.

The first part deals with the influence of God's revealer on the development of mankind. Abdul- Baha stated therein, among other things Gottesgesandschaft of Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha'u'llah and interprets the prophecies of the 11th and 12th chapters of the Book of Revelation and the 11th chapter of the Book of Isaiah.

In the second part some Christian themes are explained, such as baptism, the symbols of bread and wine, Adam and Eve, the Trinity, Christ's Second Coming and the Last Judgment, etc.

The third part deals with the forces and ways of being the revealer of God. It contains teaching talks about the five stages of mind, the knowledge of the Prophets, the two types of prophets, etc.

In the fourth part doctrinal discussions are summarized treat the origin of forces and ways of being human. This part contains doctrinal conversations about the difference between man and animal, stage and progress of man after death, about the influence of the stars, the healing through spiritual and material resources, etc.

The fifth part deals with various topics such as non-existence of evil, reincarnation, pantheism, etc.
