Sophie Elkan

Sophie Elkan, born Solomon ( born January 3, 1853 in Gothenburg, † April 5, 1921 ibid ) was a Swedish writer. 1872 she married Nathan Elkan.

Her literary debut was the short story collection Dur och Moll ( major and minor), which appeared in 1889. Sophie Elkan initially used the pseudonym Rust Roest ( derived from a Flemish proverb meaning " The rest will rust ").

Well-known early works by Sophie Elkan are the novels Rika flickor ( Rich Girls, 1893), Säfve, Kurt & Co. (1894 ) and the novella collection Skiftande stämningar ( Changing Moods, 1896).

The breakthrough came 1899, the great historical novel, John Hall. De historia från the gamla Gothenburg ( John Hall. A story from Gothenburg ). He was Sophie Elkan's most famous work and the first one that appeared under his name.

From 1899 to 1900, she undertook a long trip abroad with her ​​close friend Selma Lagerlof, including Palestine and Egypt. The impressions of this journey they processed in the works Drömmen om österlandet ( The Dream of the Orient, 1901) and Från och östan Västan ( From East and West, 1908). Selma Lagerlöf devoted Sophie Elkan her novel Jerusalem, in which they processed the impressions of the journey to Palestine.

Particularly well known Sophie Elkan was the historical novels Konungen. En mused saga ( The King. A true fairy tale, 1904), Konungen. En landsflykt ( The King. A country escape, 1906), in which she describes the fate of King Gustav IV Adolf and Anckarström (1910 ), with the Johan Jacob Anckarström, the murderer of King Gustav III. , Is concerned.
