Sosigenes of Alexandria

Sosigenes of Alexandria (Greek ' Σωσιγένης ὅ Αλεξανδρεύς Sosigenes hó Alexandréus ) was a late - Hellenistic astronomer who in the reform of the calendar under Gaius Julius Caesar ( Julian calendar ), alongside others such as probably Acoreus, worked as a consultant and also Caesar font De astris, has made ​​the only known fragments of weathering characters affected. Pliny the Elder in his Naturalis historia handed down the knowledge of the Sosigenes and Kidenas that Mercury never stand more than 22 degrees from the Sun. (Book II, 39) Sosigenes from Alexandria belongs therefore to the first century BC.

The lunar crater Sosigenes is named after him.

In the film Cleopatra by 1963 he appears as a consultant of Cleopatra, played by Hume Cronyn.

Sosigenes of Alexandria is not to be confused with Sosigenes the Peripatetics, who also worked on astronomical topics.
