
Soundbite (also sound bite ) is an English term for a short memorable quote.

In the television and radio coverage, the term describes a very short word contribution, which was taken from a longer post. The quote can be both from any otherwise unknown people, as well as a well-known personality come, it is important that it brings the statement on a topic to the point.

Examples of sound bites are:

  • Loriot on the death of Evelyn Hamann: " Dear Evelyn Your timing was always perfect - only now you have the order is not complied Just you wait. " in the ARD program "Beckmann" on 29 October 2007
  • John F. Kennedy's statement: "I am a Berliner " in his speech on June 26, 1963
  • Martin Luther King's words: " I have a dream " in his speech, August 28, 1963
  • George HW Bush's statement, " Read my lips: no new taxes" in his speech on 18 August 1988

Especially the last example makes clear what significance a soundbite from the field of politics in the media, because a soundbite can be excellent rhetoric and yet can a speech be easily reduced to this small section and all other statements fall into oblivion. Political speeches are therefore designed spin- doctors of from exactly on such catchy words out. A Soundbite can be regarded as a modern media- enabled version of a winged word, but should always be scrutinized.

