Sovetsky Soyuz

Soviet Union (Russian Советский Союз / Sovetsky Soyuz; own notation: SOVIET UNION ), formerly U ( d) SSR under construction (Russian СССР на стройке / SSSR na stroike ), was a multi-lingual, global magazine published from the Soviet Union.


The magazine in Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1930 by Maxim Gorky, sociopolitical reported documentary about the life of the population in the USSR. Are predominantly observes the economic achievements, science, technology, culture and art. Special dedication applies to foreign policy. In addition to a fairy tale for children the scripture also contains pages that are especially interesting for women. Questions and Comments concerning certain Articles have been answered in the next published edition.

The strikingly large format, approximately 412 × 300 mm measure, enabled wide, some of them double -page illustrations and detailed text. Photographs were obtained from the Moscow Agency Sojusfoto. Target group of relatively expensive issues were Western businessmen, intellectuals and leaders of communist parties. A Scripture constantly accompanying reader was Josef Stalin.

At the beginning of the German - Soviet war, the appearance of the magazine was suspended. Only in 1949 were published further twelve issues. From 1950 the journal appeared under the new name Soviet Union. In the 1970s, at the height of its existence, it was officially released in 130 countries, while the total circulation was 1.3 million copies. It has been translated into 19 languages ​​, namely Russian, English, German, French ( all from 1930), Spanish ( from 1937), Chinese ( 1950), Korean (1954 ), Japanese ( 1955), Arabic, Serbo- Croatian, Urdu, Hindi (all from 1956), Finnish ( 1957), Romanian (1957 ), Hungarian (1958), Mongolian ( 1960), Bengali (1967 ), Vietnamese ( 1968) and Italian ( 1969). On January 7, 1980, the magazine was awarded the Order of Lenin. In 1991, the publication of the magazine was discontinued.

Today, the writing is popular especially among collectors. At a thrift auction in Russia 2006 a collection of 47 editions scored 200,000 rubles. Forbes magazine estimates the value of an output, which is in good condition, to 200 to 500 U.S. dollars. The value climb by 25 to 30 percent annually. However, some issues have a much higher value, such as those which have been prepared under the editorship of Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko and El Lissitzky.

Sport in the USSR

"Sport in the USSR " (Russian Спорт в СССР / Sport v SSSR ) was the secondary, also illustrated supplement to the journal. Their sides were not as usually only resolved in the delivery or on the stall of the magazine, but included in the magazine. She introduced the quasi in a private, almost secreted department, while the rest of the content of the magazine, following no particular order, but rather formed a collage and thematically were nonspecific strung together.

The supplement reported the greatest national and international sporting events and emphasized the importance of physical culture and sport in the Soviet Union. Numerous sports were introduced in addition to their most prominent and successful representatives.

The total print run of 140,000 copies in 1975.


  • Article Soviet Union in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (Russian)