Soviet–Polish Non-Aggression Pact

The Polish- Soviet non- aggression pact (in Polish Polish- radziecki pact o nieagresji, Russian Польско - советский договор о ненападении ) was an international treaty between the Soviet Union and Poland, which was signed in 1932 between representatives of the two States. It provided for the waiver of an attack and was unilaterally broken by the Soviet Union on 17 September 1939 by the Soviet invasion of eastern Poland.


After the Polish-Soviet War (1919-1921), the Polish government pursued a policy of equal distance to the Soviet Union and the German Reich. Most Polish politicians put on an alliance with France, and it neither Germany nor the USSR support. In 1926 negotiations were opened with the Soviet Union to conclude a pact on the non-aggression. The Peace of Riga should be consolidated and also with the German Reich, an agreement should be sought. In June 1927, the negotiations were interrupted when Britain broke off diplomatic relations and the Soviet plenipotentiary Pyotr Voikov had been murdered in Warsaw. 1931, the negotiations were resumed in Moscow and signed the pact on July 25, 1932. He was initially for a term of three years. On December 23, 1932, the pact was ratified. On January 9, 1933, he filed with the League of Nations Treaty Series. On 5 May 1934, the pact was prolonged until 31 December 1945. Both sides also guaranteed to not enter into alliances, which was directed against the other party.

On September 23, 1938, the Soviet Union, Poland announced that the pact would be considered null and void if Poland would international law occupy part of Czechoslovakia. When Poland this disobeyed and illegal parts of the neighboring country annexed ( Olsagebiet and Orava Zips strip of territory ), the Soviet Union did not respond. The pact was seen as an interim triumph of Polish diplomacy. Especially since, relations with France had not improved and strengthened the negotiating position with Berlin. Eighteen months after the pact the German -Polish Non-Aggression Pact was concluded.
