Soyuz 30

Soyuz 30 mission is the designation for the flight of a Soviet Soyuz spacecraft to the Soviet space station Salyut 6 It was the fifth visit of a Soyuz spacecraft in this space station and the 49th flight in the Soviet Sojusprogramm.


Home team

  • Pyotr Ilyich Klimuk ( third space flight), Commander
  • Mirosław Hermaszewski ( first space flight), flight engineer (Poland Poland)

According to Shatalov and Eliseev (both 1971) Klimuk was only the third cosmonaut who came into a third space flight.

Backup crew

  • Valeri Nikolayevich Kubasov, Commander
  • Zenon Jankowski, flight engineer (Poland Poland)

Mission overview

With the launch of Soyuz 30, the second Inter cosmonaut Miroslaw Hermaszewski from the People's Republic of Poland was taken to the Salyut -6 station. Commander was the experienced Pyotr Klimuk. This flight had great political importance in the context of growing anti-Soviet and anti-Communist stance in Poland.

Core of relatively uniform Intercosmos missions were original follow the launch of talks with the respective party or heads of state and greetings to the home population. In addition, observations and recordings were (even with the multispectral with MKF -6 camera) carried out in the home country of the guest, medical-biological studies and experiments with typical products. The guest visit was on for about seven days and 21.5 h (with only a tolerance of / - one hour) designed. The preparation of these missions do not need a lot of time, since (ie linguistically proficient ) military aviators were able to draw on mostly trained in the Soviet Union.
