Spanker (sail)

The mizzen or spanker is a sailing ship in the longitudinal direction ( fore- ) at the far ( first eight ) Mast of many sailing ships. The term is used on most sailing ships with at least three masts and on some two-masted sailing ships.

The word Besan is Dutch from the Arabic word for mazan mast, its sails keeps the ship in a steady pace. This term came as well as other Navy names of Arabic origin by the Mediterranean trade in northern Europe. Older forms of the term in German language are missan ( 1487 ) and Meisan ( 1636). It was not until the 16th century appeared the present form with the initial sound letter b. This sail is sometimes called the driver or on Zeesenboot boats sailing Bull or bull.

History and use

The spanker was originally an additional gaff sail on the rearmost mast of a full ship, to the mizzen mast. Over the history of the sailing ship, the barque came on, the last mast - the so-called mizzen mast - only Gaffelsegel wears: About the Mizzen (also divided top and Unterbesan with two gaffs ) a Besantoppsegel is placed here. On schooners with three or more masts is also spoken by the mizzen. Modern, smaller boat types with Mizzen are eg the ketch and yawl. On boats or ships, with Bermuda rigging ( high rigging ) is (also) the mizzen a triangular sail.

On a full- ships the mizzen is traditionally the only gaff sail. The mizzen sail on boats / ships is the last sail, which trimmed the sails reset or after a change of course is (never ).

Pictures of Spanker (sail)
