Specialized investment fund

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Specialised Investment Funds are funds domiciled in Luxembourg, have some special features:

  • Basically, the registered office of the management or investment company and the head office in Luxembourg needs to be.
  • Annual reports shall be tested in accordance with Luxembourg law by a licensed public accountant there
  • R. L. Can the legal form of joint-stock company, S.à Have ( limited liability company ), partnership limited by shares, cooperative in the form of a joint stock company
  • Has a structure according to the SICAV or SICAFs
  • The name must contain the words " SIF " include
  • Custody of the assets must be performed by a custodian with a registered office in Luxembourg
  • Need an approval by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier ( CSSF ), the State Inspectorate of Luxembourg
  • 12 months after approval of the fund by the CSSF, the fund's assets must be at least € 1.25 million
  • Shareholders may only be " informed investors "
  • Must have a Prospectus
  • An annual report must be submitted no later than six months after the financial year end of the Fund
  • It is to pay a Taxe d' abonnement, which amounts to 0.01% per annum of the net assets of the Fund
  • With incorporation of the Company a lump-sum tax is the amount of To pay € 1,250

Classes of Shares

A particularly important aspect of both the investor as well as for society is the ability to split the fund by the laying on of fund share classes into segments:

Through this society can influence the investors by the amount of, for example, a minimum investment amount € 250,000 pretends.

The investor in turn has the option, for example on the Use of Income to influence, in which he decides on a distribution or capitalization system

Other market characteristics of these share classes may, for example, currencies (level of ) the subscription fee, ( amount of ) management fee, currency hedging (hedging ), ( amount and timing of ) sales charges.

It should be noted that a fund share classes may have quite that are partially or even fully only permitted in certain jurisdictions.

  • Investment funds