
Spes ( Latin for " hope" ) is in Roman mythology the personification of hope, especially to children and good harvest. Your counterpart in Greek mythology Elpis.


Spes was depicted as a slender, the toes slightly hinschwebendes girl. In her right hand she held a flower. In type it resembled the ancient images of fully clothed Venus. At her side was a crow as a symbol of long life. An inscription secured statue of Spes is located in the Villa Ludovisi in Rome and on a high column on the Humboldt tomb in Berlin Tegel, Bertel Thorvaldsen 's Spes, as well as ' support ' the right of the Thorvaldsen statue, in the second Aedicula the Glyptothek - east facade in Munich, after Thorvaldsen 's sketch in marble executed by Arnold H. Lossow.


Since the 5th century BC her cult in Rome was established. 477 BC inaugurated the consul Gaius Horatius pulvillus after a victory over the Etruscans of Spes a temple on the Esquiline.

In the middle of the 3rd century BC it was by the Consul Aulus Atilius Caiatinus a temple on the Forum Holitorium ordained ( the vegetable market ) in Rome. The temple was destroyed several times and rebuilt, most recently re-consecrated by Germanicus in 17 remains of the temple have been preserved as part of the church of San Nicola in Carcere.

Outside of Rome, a temple of Spes, Fides and Fortuna 110 BC witnessed in Capua.
