Sphagnum angustifolium

Sphagnum angustifolium

Sphagnum angustifolium is a section for Cuspidata belonging, delicate peat moss and macroscopically distinguishable by the significantly long, pointed Astblättern, the small triangular stumpfgespitzten stem leaves and the greenish tinge of other Sphagnum. It is Schmalblättriges peat moss and also Kurzblättriges Torfmoosgenannt in the German language area.


The moderately strong plants are usually yellowish brown, rarely occur in pure green plants. The branches are four or five organized in clusters, are usually from 2 or 3 of them.

The epidermis of the stem is not formed. The Sklerodermis is hyaline. The small, triangular-shaped stem leaves are pointed, have a rounded or frayed tip and are about 1 mm in diameter. The master blade - Hyalocyten have only a few fibers and pores.

The oblong lanceolate, about 2 to 3 mm long Astblätter extend gradually to a point. In the dry state, the Astblätter are only slightly wavy. The Astblatt - Hyalocyten have the inner and outer side smaller, often indistinct pores. The triangular cross section Chlorocyten stand freely on the outside. On the inside they are usually enclosed by the Hyalocyten.

Likelihood of confusion especially with the Deceptive peat moss (Sphagnum fallax ), whose Schopfästchen are straight and trimmed. The adjacent branches are longer than the projecting. The Astblätter are dry little wavy and slightly narrower than the Deceptive peat moss. The stem leaves are triangular and slightly rounded at the tip and about as long as wide, which Sphagnum angustifolium also of Baltic peat moss (Sphagnum balticum ) and Sphagnum flexuosum different. A safe but microscopic feature is always the missing epidermis.


Sphagnum angustifolium settled oligo-to mesotrophic, medium acidic bogs and swampy environments. It has a circumboreale distribution. In temperate continental regions it is more common, while it is less common on the coasts. Typical accompanying Moose are the fringed bog moss (Sphagnum fimbriatum ) or Petite peat moss called, in bogs the Deceptive peat moss (Sphagnum fallax ), Magellan peat moss (Sphagnum magellanicum ) or reddish peat moss (Sphagnum rubellum ) and fens that Russow - peat moss (Sphagnum russowii ) or sphagnum teres.
