
A cable camera to move a mounted on a camera dolly film or television camera along tensioned cables by remote control allows.

This distinguishes it from a Skycam, where only one camera inside the car and can cover only a limited stadium or hall.

Design and functional principle

A film or television camera mounted on the underside of a camera dolly. Most additionally a stabilized camera head is used both to avoid camera shake and on the other hand, in addition to the movement of the camera carriage, also to be able to move the camera itself. By means of tensioned cables, which are attached to cranes, generally, the camera carriage may be moved. Depending on the construction of the system ranging possibilities of movement of driving along an axis, for example, a horizontal drive, until the three-dimensional freedom of movement. The control of the system basically controlled remotely from the ground, with camera and camera car be operated separately. The image transfer is performed by radio or in the guide ropes processed fiber optic cable.

Examples of use

  • Soy Cuba - I am Cuba (1964 ): A remarkable example of the early use of a cable camera system is the opening scene of the film is, in which the camera passes across a hotel, a crowd of time and ultimately drives down in a swimming pool. Even if the camera was not, as one might suspect, hung on ropes, but several camera men who were dragged along the ropes and the camera continues to ranged.
  • Resident Evil (2002): The final shot shows the protagonist as she loads a shotgun. The camera moves upward away from her and gives a look at the extinct city free.
  • Troy (2004 ): The long rides across the battlefield were realized with a two-dimensional cable camera system.
  • Germany sucht den Superstar (since 2004 ): In the theme shows, which are broadcast live, a cable camera is used, which can take off the whole studio.
  • At the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing several Spidercams were used.
  • At the annual summer edition of "Wetten, dass. " In the bullring Coliseo Balear in Palma de Mallorca, a cable camera is used to scan the entire arena.

Manufacturer of cable camera systems (abstract)

  • CableCam (USA)
  • CamCat ( Austria )
  • Spidercam ( Germany and Austria )
  • Moving
  • Camera