Spilosoma urticae

Schmalflügeliger Fleckleibbär ( Spilosoma urticae)

The narrow- leafed Fleckleibbär ( Spilosoma urticae) is often referred to in the literature as Nesselbär and is counting on the bears spinners moth.


The wingspan is about 36 to 44 millimeters. The almost white butterfly is punctured only very sparse. This distinguishes them from the similar nature Breitflügeliger Fleckleibbär ( Spilosoma menthastri ) and, as the name suggests, by the narrower wings. At the top are short comb sensor. The body is surrounded by a yellow color and on both sides with few black spots.

The caterpillars are up to 40 millimeters long. They are colored dark brown and have a very strong also black brown hair.


The narrow- leafed Fleckleibbär only locally common in northern Germany, to the south the species is rare. The main distribution area are wet meadows and forests.

Way of life

The animals are nocturnal. The flight time of the moth ranges from mid-May to late July. The caterpillars are found from July to October. The pupa overwinters.

The caterpillars feed on many herbaceous plants, such as of the ordinary dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ), great nettle (Urtica dioica), Common Sorrel ( Rumex acetosa ) and buckbean.
