Spot-bellied Eagle-Owl

Nepaluhu (Bubo nipalensis )

The Nepaluhu (Bubo nipalensis ) is one of the Asian rainforest species of the genus of owls. Its habitat is the rainy forest regions of the Himalayas, Indochina and Malaysia. Due to its eye-catching, human-like reputation of Nepaluhu is referred to in some regions of Sri Lanka also called " Ulama " or " devil bird".

It reaches a height 51-61 cm, and preferably lives of rodents and small birds. However, due to its size, it is also able to hit the jackals and the larger gallinaceous birds.

Just as the Streifenuhu and Malaienuhu the Nepaluhu breeds in the dry season. Otherwise, through its breeding biology, little is known.
