
Template: Infobox Island / Maintenance / height missing

The island is located in the Great Belt Sprogø ( German: Great Belt) between the Danish islands of Fyn ( German: Fyn ) and Zealand ( German: Seeland ). The Great Belt Bridge as a connection between Funen and Zealand used this island as a stopover. The approximately 154 -acre island was built only a quarter as large (39 ha) and only with a lighthouse and a few houses before the execution of bridge construction. Since the early 1990s, the island is uninhabited.

The island is part of the parish community (Danish: Sogn ) Saint Povls Sogn, which belonged to Harde Slagelse Herred in Soro office until 1970, since 1970 Slagelse municipality in the former Vestsjællands office, with the municipal reform on 1 January 2007 in the "new " Slagelse municipality has risen in the region of Sjælland.

On the island was located from 1922 to 1961 a home for so-called " unadjusted girl ." The events there are a central theme in the detective novel contempt by Jussi Adler - Olsen.
