
Spuleria flavicaput is ( Elachistidae ) is a butterfly of the family of the grass leaf miners.


The moths reach a wingspan of 12-14 millimeters. The head is bright yellow and has at the sides of a narrow dark brown line. The antennae are curled dark brown and weakly in the apical half. Thorax and tegulae are dark brown and shiny purple. The forewing shining dark brown and bluish tinge. Two small and shed a faint tufts located on the first and second third of the forewing inner margin. The fringe scales are dark brown. The hind wings shining gray-brown and the fringe scales are gray-brown.

In the male the uncus is very short. The Gnathos - arms are short and fitted at the top spherical and with rows of prongs. The Tegumen is tall and narrows distally. The Valven are long and rounded at the tip. The Anellus - lobes are large and broad and very pointed at the apex. The aedeagus is long and straight. He is tapered tubular and distal. In the vesica are rows of prongs.

In females, the ostium on the sides has two sclerotized and curved edges. The antrum is sclerotized and bent in the middle. The ductus bursae and the back part of the corpus bursae are finely granulated. The Signum is elongated.


Spuleria flavicaput is native to Europe and Asia Minor.


The caterpillars develop on Eingriffeligem hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Zweigriffeligem hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata ). Drill in the summer and early fall in the young side branches. The burrow starts at the fork and into the marrow inside. It reaches about 30 millimeters toward the branch tip and bends at the end to the surface of the branch. The exit hole is oval and is usually located on the underside of the branch. It is partly covered with a thin layer of bark. Before pupation the caterpillars close the burrow near the exit hole with a dream. Pupation takes place in late autumn. After save the caterpillars live from September to March / April. The moths fly from May to June in the morning sun to the hawthorn branches around. During the day they sit in the flowers of the hawthorn, where they can be roused by knocking.


From the literature, the following synonyms are known:

  • Porrectaria flavicaput Haworth, 1828
  • Tinea aurifrontella Geyer,
  • Rösler [s ] tammia aurocapitella Bruand,
  • Chrysoclysta flavicapitella Doubleday, 1859

