St Brigid's Well

St. Brigid 's Well ( Tobar Irish Bhride ) at Liscannor in County Clare in Ireland is the most important of the 15 sacred springs of that name on the island.

In Irish mythology, Brigid, Brigit or Brighit was (the " sublime "), the daughter of the Dagda ( making it one of the Tuatha Dé Danann ) and wife of the Fomori Bress (also Bres ). She had two sisters, also called Brighid, and perhaps formed a Celtic goddesses Trinity ( matrons ). Brigit was also the goddess of the Sacred Flame of Kildare and the patron goddess of the Druids. As Brigida Kildare she appears in a Christianized form.

St. Brigid 's Well is a place of celebration of the ancient festival of Lughnasa, and a Christian pilgrimage site. It began in ancient times as a pagan harvest festival. A report from the early 19th century, says that on the eve of garlands Sunday - the last Sunday in July - the people at the St. Brigid 's Well gather and stay there all night to circumnavigate the source and the Holy over the source to call. When the ceremony is over, they have fun until the morning dancing and singing. The next day they walk about five kilometers to Lahinch to the socializing and dancing, a horse race on the beach complete. This pattern was in 1839 on " Satharn Chromdubh " transfer the eve of Sundays and garlands the source. The spring was here called " Dabhachs bride " or the " barrel of Brigid ". Gifts were also on February 1, presented to the feast day of Brigid, the patron saint of Ireland. As a cure, which he attributed to the well waters, built Cornelius O'Brian, called Corney, 1830, the source walled house in the traditional way Moher sandstone and decorated with religious and secular objects.

The statue of Brigid in the yard for the orbits of the source. At the back is an elegant stone cross surrounded by countless feet, with the inscription, "In hoc signo vinces " ( under this sign you will conquer ).

Located 400 meters from Brigid 's Well is decorated with the arms of O'Brien a profane source in a gothic spring house.
