St Mary's Church, Newnham Murren

51.5919 - 1.1203Koordinaten: 51 ° 35 ' 31 " N, 1 ° 7' 13 " W

St Mary's Church is a redundant church building of the Anglican Church in the hamlet of Newnham Murren in the county of Oxfordshire in England. It was * the added on February 9, 1959 by English Heritage as a Grade II building in the Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest; the building is under the care of the Churches Conservation Trust. St Mary's stands at the end of a cul de sac above the River Thames, near the Ridgeway, a Altstrasse and now a long-distance footpath.


The church dates from the 12th century, in the following century, the building was expanded and changed. In 1849 it came to the renovation of the building. During the 19th century, an entrance porch and a belfry were added. On January 23, 1973, the church was declared redundant, and May 21, 1974 it was handed over to the Churches Conservation Trust.


St Mary's was built of flint and decorated with other stone material; the roof is covered brick. The plan consists of a nave with an aisle on the south side. the sanctuary and the entrance portal to the north. At the western gable of the nave rises the bell tower. The portal is a timber frame construction on a flint base with a tiled roof. The Torgang is Norman Stiles. Left of the entrance is a lancet, lancet two more sitting in the north wall of the chancel and similar window in the southern exterior wall. The window to the east was built in the 19th century; it has three lancets and Plattenmaßwerk.

The interior walls of the church are whitewashed and the windows are made with stained glass. The roof dates from the Middle Ages. The arch of the chancel was built in the Norman style; the right of the wall includes a Hagioskop. At the age space, a Piscina is installed in a wall niche of the south wall, in the north wall a twofold sacrament niche is recessed. At the renewal of the building in 1849, most of the interior has been replaced, but a pulpit Jacobean- style rooms and a communion table still exist. On the wall of the aisle, a memorial plaque made ​​of brass is attached, which was manufactured in the 16th century.
