Standardisierte Bewertung

The Standardized assessment (full name: Standardized assessment of transport infrastructure investment of public transport ) is a process for macro-economic cost-benefit analysis of public transport projects in Germany. The Federal Ministry of Transport has agreed with the transport ministries of the countries that the construction or upgrading of railway according to § 2 paragraph 1 No. 2 GVFG must be made a Standardized assessment, where the eligible costs exceed DM 50 million.


The Standardized assessment was developed by the Transport Research Institute, University of Stuttgart, conducted by Gerhard Heimerl and the Munich-based company Intraplan Consult GmbH since the early 1980s. Approximately every five years, new editions are published, the current version dates from 2006.


In the result of the Standard Review all external effects of a project are to be included. The method should provide a comparable assessment of various projects based on uniform standards to mainly the Federal distribute public funds according to eligibility. Not only the economic effects of a measure, but also the economic, social and environmental effects in the form of a cost -benefit analysis are presented.


The method consists of a " multi-stage review" All effects of a project are first divided according to whether they ( in numbers expressible ) are cardinally measurable or not. Not cardinally measurable effects can be appreciated in a complementary representation. The expressible in numbers effects are divided according to whether they

  • Monetary terms ( in monetary terms herein, eg, income, investment, running costs),
  • Monetary terms ( normalized by established methods in monetary terms, such as travel time savings, air pollution) or
  • Not monetised

Are. It can be formed:

  • Benefit-cost indicator E1 ( " sub-indicators, the original measured variables are either monetary or monetary terms by conventionally hedged conversions are ")
  • Analytical utility indicator E2 ("In E1 considered sub-indicators and additional indicators that are measurable cardinal ")
  • To illustrate the financial implications for investors and operators is the so-called "follow cost accounting " is provided.

For promotion on the GVFG the indicator E1 is relevant. Its value indicates the benefit- cost ratio, it means "1.4 " for example, that the benefit is 1.4 times the cost. Only projects with a value greater than 1 ( that is, the benefits are greater than the costs) are eligible for funding.
