
Under orthostasis ( ancient Greek ὀρθός orthos " straight " and στάσις stasis " standing ", " position" ) is understood in medicine, the upright posture.

When orthostatic adaptation or orthostatic response is the ability of the human body, adjust blood pressure and thus the circulatory system in an upright position ( sitting or standing ).

Frequently the term orthostasis is used misleadingly to describe the orthostatic hypotension. What is meant here is an occurring only when sitting or standing failure of the control system or based on the orthostatic adaptation hypotonic ( hypo-, rare hyperdiastol ) circulatory regulation with vertigo, tinnitus, decreased physical and mental performance.

For prolonged quiescent hanging in a harness it comes to circulatory collapse to unconsciousness and death. This image is known as suspension trauma ( orthostatic shock).

A test for current fitness is the orthostatic heart rate test.


  • Orthostatic Heart Rate Test
  • Posture