Stanisław Gołąb

Stanisław Gołąb ( born July 26, 1902 in Travnik, † April 30, 1980 in Kraków ) was a Polish mathematician of Krakow mathematician school. His interest was mainly the affinity and differential geometry.

Gołąb studied mathematics at the Jagiellonian University in 1931 and his doctorate in 1932 he qualified himself ibid. He was professor at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy Krakow and at the Jagiellonian University. On November 6, 1939 he was arrested as part of the promotion of Krakow Germans and imprisoned until 1940 in Breslau and in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. After the war he again worked as a professor at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy Krakow.
