
Starckdeutsch is a 1972 invented by the German painter and poet Matthias Koeppel artificial language. It was used by Koeppel for parodic poems.

General language features

The starckdeutsche vocabulary based on modern German with numerous altertümelnden forms ( Paradise, little eyes ), while the volume level is influenced by, among other things, from the Middle High German, but also from the Low German ( "look" schouwen schauwn eg to MHG ). Significant features of the Starckdeutschen are consistent phonetic strengthening and hardening of consonants (ck, ff, ßß ), consonant cluster, excessive Ablautung or diphthongization and elongation of vowels, unstressed vowels loss and reduplication. The syntax corresponds largely to the high standard German, as are the punctuation ( except for a few clusters of punctuation). Since the Starckdeutsche is not a constructed language, but an artistic play with language, apply to phonetics and orthography no fixed rules. The Starckdeutsche is suitable due to its strong vocal and consonant reinforced character less for silent reading than to read poem recitation.

Voice Care

The Austrian conductor and cabaret singer Hans Karl Gruber sings starckdeutsche songs.

Also, the vocal ensemble Berlin hymn board is known for its starckdeutschen songs in collaboration with Matthias Koeppel.


Hullondüsche Tumautn Harrlüch! - Dönckst tu, gauffßt the roughened Glantzind pfröschn Totumauten. Duch Peim Ößßn marckstde dunn, dißß monn gurnüxx tschmarckn kunn; Sünd'z nonn Gorcken, sünd'z Tumautn, - Üst OLS garr oin Heunarbrautn, pfrösch oss Hullondt ümmporturt? Hard monn düch wanted arnngeschmuurt?

Nationally known he was by his poem on the plight of German architecture:

Arr, Arr di; di Arrckitucktn - Jarr, di sin tautul pfarrucktn. Pauhn onz euburoll Quaduren, vo se henngehuren gurrnücht. Vn demm Hurz büsz ze because Ullpn snd di Häusur steitz di sullpn. Duch di Arrckitucktn tschumpfn: Onzre Pauhörrn snd di Tumpfn! Olle zullte mon kastruren, düßße auff ze pauhin whoring; odur stott üNN rachtn Winkuln se dönn pauhin, wi se pinkuln.

Starckdeutsche Literature (selection )

  • Matthias Koeppel: Starckdeutsch. All poems. Berlin: Edition glue, Berlin 1981
  • Matthias Koeppel: Starckdeutsch. Oine Orrswuuhl skinny schtahurcköstn Gedeuchten. Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin 1983