Stefán Einarsson

Stefán Einarsson ( born June 9, 1897 in Höskuldsstaðir, Breiðdalur, † April 9, 1972 in Reykjavík ) was an Icelandic philologist.


Stefán was the son of a farmer. He studied in Reykjavik, Helsinki and Oslo, and came in 1927 as a research associate at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. There he was appointed in 1945 as professor of Scandinavian philology. In 1962 he returned to Iceland, where he lived until his death in Reykjavík.

Stefán authored several books, including a textbook of the Icelandic language and two English-language books on the Icelandic literary history. In addition, he published works Icelandic writer and anthologies.

Writings (selection )

  • Icelandic: grammar, texts, glossary (1945 )
  • History of Icelandic prose writers ( 1948)
  • A History of Icelandic Literature ( 1957)