Stefania Jabłońska

Stefania Jabłońska ( born September 7, 1920 in Warsaw) is a Polish physician.

Jabłońska studied medicine from 1938 in Warsaw, Lvov and Bishkek, where she graduated in 1943 and in 1949 made ​​his doctorate. In 1952 she was awarded the title of professor. She was a professor of Dermatology at the Medical University of Warsaw and Director of the Dermatological Clinic of the University.

It dealt with scleroderma and human papillomavirus ( warts virus, HPV), the thrown of this cancer and the development of a vaccine against the virus. She worked there together with Frenchman Gerard Orth from the Institut Pasteur. They examined specifically ( as a model ), the virus that EV ( epidermodysplasia verruciformis ) triggers. The virus is usually a little infectious, with the exception of patients with the rare genetic disorder EV, which induce malignant tumors in this third of the cases. Jabłońska and Orth succeeded demonstrate and characterize viruses that cause malignant tumors. There were only two occurrences in the EV patients wart viruses. They also showed that for the development of malignant tumors, which in EV patients lasts many years, must be complemented by certain additional factors ( such as ultraviolet radiation).

In 1985 she was awarded the Robert Koch Prize to Gérard Orth. She is a member of the Leopoldina since 1964. In 2002 she received the Maria Duran price of the International Society of Dermatology.


  • Scleroderma and Pseudoscleroderma, Wiley 1976