Steinbach (Nidda)

Mouth of Steinbach in the Nidda

The Steinbach in the Hoch-Taunus district, Main -Taunus-Kreis and the district-free city of Frankfurt am Main in Hesse is a 4.6 km long, orographic right and geographically north tributary of the Nidda.



The Steinbach originates in the Taunus Nature Park. Its source lies in the Taunus City Steinbach to about 165 m above sea level. NHN and in the hallway behind the wheat meadow garden occurs at the end of the tubing to the northwest of daycare meadow hoodlums to the surface.

First, the Steinbach flows in a southeasterly direction through the hydrofluoric acid meadows and then between the hallway and the Wingerten Kreuzwiesen. He is accompanied by native bush and single grove. His sole substrate there consists of natural gravel and crushed stone. After leaving the urban settlement area it flows along the border of Steinbach and Eschborn through meadows and fields, and changes after passing under the railway track of Homburger Bahn in the district Eschborn. In this field, he also bears the name Steinbach ditch. He then crosses at the motel Taunus View the Federal Highway 5, where it leaves the Taunus Nature Park.

There he goes into the city of Frankfurt am Main, on which he travels the following 2.1 km to the mouth. The Steinbach now runs along the border between the districts of Frankfurt Niederursel and Praunheim past the old brick and the Praunheimer cemetery. Just before crossing beneath the Praunheimer path he finally enters the territory of the district Praunheim.

Ultimately, crosses under the Steinbach street in the Roman town, flows through the Fritz- Lenning - conditioning and finally ends at the former Walserhaus mill at about 103 m altitude in an oxbow lake of the Nidda.


And the settlements on Steinbach include ( downriver considered ):

  • Steinbach
  • Eschborn
  • Frankfurt- Niederursel
  • Frankfurt- Praunheim

Data and character

The Steinbach is a fine material rich carbonate means mountain stream. The catchment area of ​​10.10 km ² Steinbach covered area, and its mean discharge is 62.7 l / s

Since the sources have dried up in the old town of Steinbach most part, the river carries only on days with heavy rains episodic water. This is especially the case in the winter months. From the area at the Old Lake and from the well Pjinackerplatz until the outskirts of the creek is piped underground. In the village of Steinbach in 2010, a plan was created as the floodplain of the creek could - be redesigned to nature

In Praunheim where the Steinbach sections, forms the border with Heddernheim, he was piped in the 1960s between the grave grove street and its confluence with the oxbow lake of the Nidda. There, the stream was exposed to the 1200 anniversary of the village in 2004 and renatured natural. Meadows, woods and wetlands change with leisure facilities ..

Castle at Steinbach

On Steinbach was to the left side downriver seen between the present streets on Old Castle and in the Roman town of Burg, the Velcro.

Steinbach Description greenbelt 07-07-2013

The creek is in a sketch map, the Praunheim by about 1775
